Team and Incentivized Board

  • The team has strong operating and entrepreneurial experience in mid-low sized firms in Brazil and emerging markets;

  • The incentives of Danica Capital, the Board, and the target firm’s management team are 100% aligned with investors.

Advisors to the Board, Danica Capital


Danica Capital was envisioned behind these windows in Baker Library at HBS. The team sees significant opportunities in Brazil with regards to closing productivity gaps through (1) engineered innovation, (2) tested business models, and (3) tested investment vehicles that enable downside protection and upside potential.

The Danica Capital team recommends the following books for inspiration. We are proud to have learnt from the authors first-hand: Michael Tushman (Lead & Disrupt), Josh Lerner (The Architecture of Innovation), and Chris Zook (The Founder's Mentality).

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